Quote of the day, week, month - or whenever I get around to changing it --

I need to get laid - Vickie Moriarity

Monday, December 13, 2010

Questions that Shape the Universe

I heard a great poem on NPR the other day where the author personified snow as terrorist who held people hostage in their homes.  Pretty unique perspective with which many in the midwest can relate, I am sure.  I wish I had written it.  It was great!

Since that sort of creativity has not yet struck in the midst of this snowstorm, I am left to ponder the more mundane:  How many snowflakes had to fall to create the four inch blanket outside my window?  What is causing the backed up traffic on the freeway that I can see through my naked trees?  Will we have school tomorrow?  How much discussion will there be tonight by those brilliant sportscasters about the Vikings losing their top during the snowstorm?

One thing for sure...there are few students on facebook clamoring for classes to resume...or teachers, for that matter.  We are all such grasshoppers, preferring to dance and sing today - never mind about tomorrow. 

As I sit here wasting time, I suppose I am no exception, although I did do a couple of things earlier that required some effort:  shoveled the walk, took the garbage to the road, packed the snow by drivng over it, checked to be sure the heater is on in the garage (The trek to the garage takes a lot more effort when trudging through snow drifts), and cleaned the house (this has done much for my mood - I am now calmer and more at peace). 

I should write up the language arts team notes from last week before long and look at the requirements for my portfolio entry for the national boards, but as the traffic's hypnotic rhythm (yes, the obstruction has been cleared - cars once again resume their steady pace), I revisit the most important question I pondered earlier.  Will we really have school tomorrow?

I think I will go make a cup of coffee and think about that some more.

1 comment:

  1. This just in!!! There is NO SCHOOL TOMORROW. Watcha going to do??

    I literally wore a bathing suit in the morning and am putting on my heaviest coat tonight to go watch the meteror shower. Wacky weather. Dan Quayle is going, "see, I told ya!"


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