Quote of the day, week, month - or whenever I get around to changing it --

I need to get laid - Vickie Moriarity

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Divine Intervention? Relay Race!

Call me crazy, but I actually intend to keep anywhere from three to eight young people entertained this morning by teaching (or I should say learning right along with them) about the old testament of the Bible while their parents reflect on their relationships with God upstairs.  I can only figure that this is what God wants me to teach as I certainly wouldn't have self-selected the topic and deemed it a hit with young teenagers.  But God always amazes me.

Two weeks ago, before my visit to ER via ambulance (prognosis?  renal lesion, fatty liver, hiatal hernia - go see your regular doc who will send you to have a gall bladder ultrasound and then will want you to set up an appointment with a urologist. Urologist?  Aren't I a little young to begin visiting doctors who focus on pee? - But I digress).  Anyway, two weeks ago, I taught the kids about the authors of the Bible.  I really didn't think this would be a hit, and, indeed, the lesson was taking a major nosedive with my four rather rambunctous boys when it struck me - Relay Race.  Whether it be divine intervention or simply sixteen years of teaching or both, the idea saved the lesson. 

The church has a huge basement, so I sent the young men trekking off the the far off end with a single pen and explained that they would need to run up to the table, write one name of an author we had discussed, then run back to their partner who would take the pen, race back to the table, and write another name.  They would continue this process until one minute was up.  They willingly participated when I started the clock.

I must admit to you (God already knows) that I don't think I stopped them after a single minute.  I may have had them running full speed for three minutes or so...and we did this four times as my prize was a single stick of gum for each of the winners, an easy way to bribe kids into working with and not against you every time.  (Hint: don't hand out Big Red...many don't like it, but they love all the fruit gums.  Also, make sure the gum is sugar free since so many  kids wear braces)

The kicker?  They absolutely loved the day, telling their parents between gasps that this was one of the greatest day in the history of Bethesda Church's Sunday School.  Who knew?

So, today we will focus on the books of the old testament.  I have a plan, but like two weeks ago, will be listening to God for ideas to make the lesson mean more to my kids.  Divine Intervention is a powerful thing!

1 comment:

  1. It is SO awesome that you teach Sunday School. Especially to kids - I believe it takes an Angel to do that.

    I love your blog and want to thank you for visiting mine. I will be back, new friend. :)


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