Quote of the day, week, month - or whenever I get around to changing it --

I need to get laid - Vickie Moriarity

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Shut Up and Trust God

Apparently, the message I am supposed to get through my thick skull this week is that I need to shut up and trust God.  But shutting up, I mean turn problems over to God, and leave the problems at his feet.  Let the rest go - anger, confusion, speculation (the dreaded "what if's"), and whatever else my mind wants to worry about.  If I just shut up and trust God, I won't have to worry - not about other people think; since I am right with God, that is all I should worry about.  The result?  Peace.

Even if he doesn't fix something immediately, then I need to persevere.  It may be that God is trying to work on that other person; therefore, you aren't going to factor in too much at that point.  The great news is you don't have to worry about trying to fix everything; instead you can simply enjoy the peace and serenity.

If you would have told me this a couple of years ago, I would have fought you tooth and nail.  and I find it extremely suprising that is have done such a reversal, but the only possible reason I can possible talking about this is that once I took Christ as my Lord and Savior, I started giving things over to God.  Surprisingly, everything from finances to emotional support has been provided.  I hope that I remember to let go and let God as often as possible, because every time I try to take my own destiny, the devil has a way of manipulating this, so now I try to shut and trust God!

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