Quote of the day, week, month - or whenever I get around to changing it --

I need to get laid - Vickie Moriarity

Saturday, August 13, 2011

School is Back in Session and My Mind is Out to Lunch.

Sitting up much too late on a Saturday night, I realize that my schedule is far too packed.  It is only because of God that I accomplished as much as I did today.  What occupied my day, you may ask? 
  • Lawnmowing
  • Tomato picking
  • Went on breakfast date (Yes!  I do have a social life tightly squeezed into this crazy schedule!)
  • Lesson Planning (May I just say the standards based units take a really long time to create.  Yes, I know it will be worth it in the end which is why I keep plugging away at it).
  • Creating the most complicated seating charts ever!  I color coded the seating charts based on student MAP scores which will provide me a great visual to ensure I am asking appropriate questions to various ability levels.  My new mantra?  "Data is my Daddy!"  (OK - I stole this from a great writer and friend of mine, Liz Prather, who typed it on her FB page)
  • Running to the church at 9 PM to clean.  I forgot to call the other three people to remind them, so I ended up doing some additional cleaning as a result.
  • Creating a lesson plan for Sunday School tomorrow.  Joseph is tempted by Potiphar's wife who had eyes for him.  When he refused her advances, she accused him of rape and her husband threw him in prison.  Great story!
Now I am blogging.  Figured I should do something to process the day even if it simply listing.  Listing is one of those things that implies that I am making progress.  In reality, it merely highlights the fact that there is so much left to accomplish.  Yet there just comes a point where a moment to myself is necessary.  I will retire shortly and read some students' responses about how they feel about reading.  Or I may read one or two cards and decide enough is enough and get a little shut-eye.  Whatever it is I do, at least I can enjoy a fresh tomato for lunch out on the front porch while looking at a freshly cut lawn, and I will know that people attended today's service in a clean church while I taught the teens another lesson on Joseph's Journey in Genesis 39.  Life is hectic - Yes, but also joyous and exiciting!